Monday, November 8, 2010

Divide Report: 1-7 November 2010

Bird Sightings: American crow, magpie, Steller's jay, hairy woodpecker, downy woodpecker, pygmy nuthatch, white-breasted nuthatch, mountain chickadee, flicker, Cassin's finch, dark-eyed junco, evening grosbeak,

Mammal Sightings: red fox, least chipmunk, pine squirrel, mule deer,

Snow Report: yes, but it all melted. The weather has been unusually nice for November - or so I'm told.
One snow mobile in for service and I managed to get the other one started.

Whiskey Report: Stranahan's Colorado Whiskey

Beer report:  Odell's Brewery, what else!

Book Reading: R is for Ricochet by Sue Grafton

Fishing Report: - Woo Hoo! Fly fishing for brook trout was excellent.  The 'secret' was dragging a small nymph along the bottom.

Hiking Report - Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument - 4 miles on the 'wildlife loop'.  Just wildlife poop and signs where the badgers had been digging out ground squirrels.

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