Monday, December 13, 2010

Mount Manatee: 6-12 December 2010

Mammal Sightings: mule deer, pine squirrel, least chipmunk, red fox

Bird Sightings: Week 4 of Project FeederWatch.  Mountain chickadee, black-billed magpie, pygmy nuthatch, hairy woodpecker, white-breasted nuthatch, dark-eyed junco, American crow, Steller's jay.  Bird activity around the feeder is slow because of all the bare ground and and relatively warm weather.

Snow Report: Monday - ground is nearly bare on south-facing sites; maybe a bit of snow later on. No snow this week. Unusually 'warm' for this time of year, especially when compared to last year (or so the big boys tell me).

Basement Renovation Report: Electrical, plumbing and framing inspections passed; ceiling and wall insulation installed, most of the drywall installed on Saturday - extremely dusty.  Maybe, just maybe, I've eliminated the expansion-contraction clicks in the east end of the heat duct under the master bedroom.  Disconnected an unused heat duct, disconnected the outside air intake as it is no longer needed.  Taped and braced the east end of the heat duct work.

Photography Report: Well, wildlife activity is pretty slow because of the warm weather.  Did get a photo of the contractor's dog on the wildlife camera.

Attended the homeowners association annual dinner at Golden Bell - excellent prime rib.
And, if you don't have a concealed weapons permit - and actually carry a concealed handgun - you will likely be in the minority here in Teller County.

1 comment:

  1. I'm still not getting a handgun. There are firing ranges if the urge gets overwhelming.
